Dog Insurance Terminology

What does it all mean? Read More

There’s a lot of terminology that goes along with dog insurance… and it can get confusing, especially if this is your first experience with it. We put together a list of common dog insurance terminology that might pop up in a policy and offered explanations that will make the process a lot clearer.

  • Accidental Death: If this is included in your dog insurance plan, you will receive a payment should your dog die from injuries as a result of an untreated accident.
  • Age-Related Deductibles: Because older dogs usually need more medical attention, you will have more claims. If this term is included in your policy, your deductible amount will increase as the dog ages.
  • Breed Surcharge: This is an added fee that applies to certain breeds that have a higher risk of particular medical conditions.
  • Bi-Lateral Condition: Any condition that affects the body parts of which your dog has two of, one on either side of the body (examples: ears, eyes, etc.).
  • Continuing Care: This is extra protection for ongoing conditions that need care across multiple plan periods.
  • Co-Pay: Every time you visit the vet, you pay a small fee. All additional expenses are paid through your pet insurance policy. The co-pay must be paid before any other dog insurance payments can be made.
  • Deductible: This is the amount of the veterinary bill you must pay before the dog insurance company will begin to pay you anything.
  • Exclusions: These are the things your policy will not cover. They range from specific aliments to the veterinarian you’d like to use.
  • Medically Necessary: This is deemed as a treatment that will improve your dog’s health or prevent health issues in the future.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions: This refers to any injury or illness that a dog either shows signs of or has been treated for before you buy dog insurance. As well, it can also refer to an illness or condition that presents within the first 30 days of a new policy.
  • Per-Incident Deductible: The amount paid on a claim for a specific incident. This may also include the payment of a per-incident deductible.
  • Premium: The monthly or annual payment for your dog insurance policy.
  • Routine and Wellness: This type of plan covers preventive procedures (vaccinations, annual exams, heartworm testing/medications, spaying/neutering, and dental cleanings). Preventive procedures can help prevent or catch disease early, keeping your dog healthy and reducing your veterinary bills.
  • Treatment: This refers to the treatments performed by the vet. These include veterinary care, hospitalization, surgery, diagnostics, medication, specialist referral and medical devices.
  • Waiting Period: The amount of time before coverage starts. This can range anywhere from 30 to 180 days.